Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP)
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IITKGP) was established in 1951. It has been engaged in a development with about 18 academic departments, five centres of excellence. The vast tree-laden campus, spreading over 2100 acres has a self-contained township of over 15,000 inhabitants. Currently, IIT have about 650 faculty, 11.500 students in 40 academic units on the campus. The Institute aligns all its activities to serve national interest and seeks to provide broad-based education, helping students hone their professional skills and acquire the best-in-class capabilities in their respective disciplines, to draw the best expertise in science, technology, management and law so as to equip students with the skills to visualize, synthesize and execute projects in these fields, to imbibe a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation in its students, to undertake sponsored research and provide consultancy services in industrial, educational and socially relevant areas. IITKGP has developed over the decades a reputation for research excellence. The Institute is ranked among the top three research institutions in India by the Department of Science and Technology and the Governments National Institutional Ranking Framework. The Science and Technology Entrepreneurs' Park (STEP) at IITKGP offers infrastructural and financial support to start-ups. Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship offers academic discipline and research programs for student innovators.
IITKGP is in charge of the MBBR- VFCW – TOXIDATION pilot in PAVITR.