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Combination of natural and engineered systems for emerging contaminant removal - Toxidation
In a more advance setting (TRL3) the system will be equipped with an advanced oxidation (AOP) module based on hydroxyl – radical formation to oxidize persistent trace organic compounds. The module doses onsite produced chlorine and uses UV irradiation for radical formation in an energy efficient reactor to degrade pharmaceutical compounds. First estimates showed that the combined setup can reduced 70-95 % of the energy consumption compared to advanced oxidation processes based on ozone or Fenton reagent (UV/O3 or UV/O3/H2O2). Within Pavitr a small pilot system based on this process will be enhancing the removal of emerging contaminants from hospital effluents in Kharagpur. The system involves a MBBR followed by a VFCW and the AOP system. Due to the potential production of metabolites of this AOP process the performance of the VFCW to degrade such metabolites will be evaluated.