Pessl Instruments GmbH (PESSL)
PESSL Instruments GmbH, located in Weiz, Austria, has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 35 years. It is specialized in the development of innovative products in the field of agricultural monitoring and precision farming. PESSL has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters. More than 40,000 customers in 86 countries from all over the world have been supplied with PESSL ́s products by more than 150 distribution partners. PESSL has 51 employees, developing and manufacturing high quality products and organizing worldwide marketing and sales, and it has a turnover of 6.9 M€.
The instruments of PESSL are available under their own brand name, METOS®. The instruments are used in a variety of fields, from agriculture to logistics, from research to large companies. Based on the PESSL chain interface, the connection of various sensors is possible.
PESSL’s most widely used product, iMETOS, is a weather station used for frost, fire, flood and wind warning, weather forecast, disease control, water management and disaster protection. The iMETOS station is powered by rechargeable batteries and a solar panel. It only requires a valid GPRS contract with good GSM coverage in the area to be operational. The iMETOS station collects data, reports them to the internet climate data base FieldClimate ( and makes them available for optimized environmental management including demand-driven irrigation and plant protection.
Given PESSL’s extensive experience in research, technology development, prototype manufacturing and testing, as well as technical and economic assessment of innovative technologies, the company offers the right skills, knowledge and infrastructure to support PAVITR project.
PESSL is one of the leading IoT providers for the agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm management. Participating in the PAVITR consortium and being part of the High-resolution Management Research Cluster (HRM-RC) gives PESSL a chance to put into the farmers ́ disposal all its expertise on sustainable agriculture and fulfil its mission to offer high added value and customized cost-effective solutions and contribute to global environmental protection.